As famosas botas masculinas estão cada vez mais dominando o closet masculino. Saindo da área casual e indo até a área social, as botas estão deixando os homens mais confortáveis, despojados, e elegantes. DJWSM decidiu investir no par de botas da Balmain, que por sua vez tomou conta totalmente do seu outfit. Com detalhes dourados, a coturno fez um cheque mate com a pochete da Antidote e com o óculos Vinyl. Tá aí uma ótima sugestão de look que pode ser usado tanto diurno ou noturno.
Glasses: Limited Edition / Blouse: Limited Edition / Pants: It Girls / Sandals: Dior / Laptop Case: Mr.
Substituindo o salto alto, dessa vez o tênis esportivo está em nossa mira! Em um lugar onde as dores não são sentidas e somente levamos em consideração a beleza visual, o tênis acaba sendo deixado de escanteio. Mas EmmyIsAShorty olhou uma beleza não somente visual no tênis Silver Sneakers da Original Future, como também o conforto, a elegância e a simplicidade. O seu outfit ficou perfeito, total sport, além do seu cabelo platinado que é maravilhoso e deixa qualquer um de queixo caído.
Just one more outfit
Jacket: Fendi / Pants: Antidote / Shoes: Tributes Gallery / Bag: Antidote / Synglasses: Gucci / Belt: Fendi / Playsuit: Royalty
You're my violet.
Blazer - Pét a Porter
Shirt - Callie's Pick
Skirt - Voile+YSL Tribute
Bag - Mr.
Shoes - Special Offer
Face - Perfect Day
Belt - Pretty in Pink+Miss Sixty
Red stripes on the sea
Blouse: Dolce & Gabbana / Pants: Rio / Sunglasses: Riviera / Earrings: Trails / Sandals: Young Hollywood / Hat: Riviera / Purse: Bonjour Bizou
Top: Bonjour Bizou - No Secrets Top + Stardoll Academy - Puffy Pirate Shirt + Stardoll Feat. - White Chocker Necklace
Pants: Special Offer - GOM Fade Out Black Denim
Belt: Gucci Tribute
Jacket: Museum Mile - Fedem Jacket + Basics - Red shirt
Boots: Limited Edition - Pantashoes
Glasses: The JetSet
apaixonadíssima por esse interior!
Prada Baby
Shirt-Pals/ Prada Bustier-by Wangie./ Skirt-Nelly and Riviera/ Belt-by Yulissahermosa/ Shoes-Decades
O alternativo passou a ser uma alternativa. Tolady decidiu investir no sapato Clear Straps Metallic Heels da Velvet Orchid. A sandália de tiras em plástico transparente e salto metálico caiu perfeitamente no look must-have. Mesmo sendo um sapato de difícil combinação, parece não ter sido um problema para ela. A capa de chuva não se usa somente para tempos chuvosos, além de confortável tem lá seu charme e estilo urbano. Os óculos da Antidote são uma tendência, mas também é um acessório difícil de encaixar no outfit, e mesmo assim ele parece ser feito perfeitamente para Tolady.
After a long break,ı am here cooler than ever!
The items that ı used:
-also the beret by Allison(MagdalenaDior) and the Balenciaga quote by Melek(3melekbir_arada)-
Hope you like it xo
lots of love ♥
Homeless with Fendi bags
Body: SubCouture / Pants: Limited Edition / Bag: Fendi / Sandals: It Girls / Sunglasses: Velvet Orchid / Coat: SubCouture
Met Gala Inspo.
Not so sure about this look, but I really wanted to share it.
Blazer - Bizou / Acc. - Perfect Day / Dress - Decades, Wild Candy & Archive / Shoes - Special Gift / Tights - Royal.
Because the booty don't lie
Coat: Strike a Pose / Pants: It Girls / T-shirt: Nelly.com / Shoes: Pals / Sunglasses: It Girls / Earring: SubCouture
Olá! Sou nova aqui e estou muito lisonjeada em participar deste blog incrível. Sou a Lilicylady no stardoll e meu facebook é Melissa Sd :) espero que vocês gostem e se identifiquem com meus looks prometo trazer o melhor de mim aqui <3 é isso beijos e até a próxima ^^
Introducing: hankipankidoni
Hello everyone!
My name is Bridget, also known as 'hankipankidoni' on
Stardoll and I would like to proudly introduce myself
as one of the new writers of Black Beauty!
I'd like to give a definition of my style, but
it changes with my mood and creative
thoughts, usually I go for hybrid looks, combining
certain styles of certain eras together, as well as
combining prints, colors and silhouettes.
The items that were used in this particular outfit are: Bonjour Bizou Parisian Barett Hat -
LE Layered Plissé Top - Mr. Long Sleeved Shirt - Tingeling White Tailored Trousers - Runway
Lace Frill Socks - Voile Tiffany Shoes - Epiphany Gold Tick Tock Earring
- Epiphany Single Floral Sculpture Earring
Flamingo de domingo
Blazer: Miss Stardoll World / Vestido: Museum Mile + Callie's Picks / Blusa: Young Hollywood / Sapatos: Young Hollywood / Óculos: Dolce & Gabbana
Pants - LE + Details: Linen Tunic by Wild Candy (x2) / Top: Cavallerizza Shirt by Pét-à-Porter + White Tank by Fallen Angel + Puffy Pirate Shirt by Stardoll Academy + Collared Top by Bonjour Bizou / Shoes - Callies Pick / Belt - Pretty In Pink / Bag - Mr.
*Especialmente feliz por esses interiores do MAC. #ProudCarioca*
Slung Moto Jkt - Evil Panda + Oversized Coat - Marc Jacobs + Black Blazer - Decades (por trás) / Baseball Tunic - Original Future / HB Smells Like Roses Sweatshirt - It Girls + White Tank - Fallen Angel (x2) / Suede Mesh Boots - PPQ / Earrings - Subcouture / ''F'' - Fenty x Puma FW17 Inspired by Stardesign Hair (leiona_-)
x tell me what you think of it!
Stereo Blue
Blusa: Pretty'n Love / Jaqueta: Balmain / Calça: It Girls / Bolsa: Limited Edition / Sapatos: Gucci / Óculos: Fendi
Black beauty
I just love my new look. That hair is amazing and that choker with bag just looooove! (Made by me, of course).
May Day Inspo.
Blouse - Subcouture / Blazer - Decades / Pants - Chanel Tribute / Bag - PPQ / Socks - Vinyl / Shoes - Jimmy Choo Tribute / Glasses - Callie's Pick / Belt - Film Theory.
Orange is the new black.
Headpiece: tingeling halloween couture
White shirt: antidote
White shirt: antidote
Orange vest: antidote
Bag: archive
Bag: archive
Shoes: hair design
Body: Subcouture | Skirt: Balmain | Belt: Wild Candy
Chanel bag: Decades | Stilleto Booties: Nelly.com
Trenchcoat: Subcouture / Ruflled top: LE / Rib Skirt: Nelly.com / Classic Pumps: YH / Bag: Pretty n' Love / Tom Ford Glasses: HB
jufasshionista4 xoxo
Ouro podre
Jaqueta: Balmain / Blusa: Basics + Bonjour Bizou / Colares: Chanel + Youg Hollywood / Cinto: Fendi / Bolsa: Nelly / Calça: Dior / Sapatos: The JetSet / Brincos: Limited Editon / Óculos: Callie's Picks + SubCouture
Its all about the Visual.
Jai here back and better than ever, with some words to share. I know i've fallen completely off the face of the earth for some one you; and to others this is an introduction of myself; either way thanks for reading & I hope you enjoy my thought process behind todays look and some life updates.
So just to get them out of the way let me share some life updates and reasonings for being so quiet as of lately. First and foremost i'm a college student and sometimes that gets overwhelming and causes me to disappear for the sake of focus; despite this I still thought of a lot of you in the community during my leave and it was extremely difficult not to fall back into the immersive world of Dollywood but when it comes to school I had to shift priorities for a bit. The good news is I will graduate with a Bachelors this spring and move forward into achieving my Masters in Business Administration!
One other big factor that has kinda pulled me away is the fact I have fallen in love and i'm currently in a pretty serious relationship (for those of you who watched my lives know i'm referring to Alex). Wont share much beyond that point; but we are happy and things are going great.
Life updates to the side, lets get to what you came here for; Here is my look and the though process behind it!
To Start off, I made a conscious decision that this year and going forward I would not blog stardoll looks; but more of PNG visual looks. I do believe PNG clothing is the future of Dollywood and that Stardoll simply isn't keeping up anymore.
As far as the individuals that made the items I honestly only know a select few due to some of these pieces being a year old but the boots are by Laura Lucy and sadly thats all I know (If anyone knows the other talented individuals please let me know).
Its been cold (still unfortunately) so it seemed only fitting I wore and oversized gaudy fur coat with a plush Birkin Bag topped off with a hat for a bit of mystery. I just really was feeling a bit outcast/odd "wannabe" and I channeled it into todays look.
Whats your favorite item i'm wearing and what do you think? Let me know in the comments below!
Remember, Black is still beautiful and recognizing that is still important! xo.
Jai Graham
Channel Orange
Bomber - Stardoll Feat // Belt - Fallen Angel // Top - Special Offer // Polo - Stardoll //
Pants - Callie's Pick // Shorts - Active // Bag - Mr. // Shoes - Nelly.com // Brooch - Gucci //
Chain - Fallen Angel
Sexy Rocker
Jacket: Bonjour Bizou / Top: SO- HO / Skirt: Velvet Orchid / Bag: M M Fashion / Karlito: Fendi Tribute / Boots: Cheap Monday / Socks: Vinyl / Chocker: Antidote / Glasses: LE
jufashionista4 xx
A marca registrada do verão são os tons fortes, e as vezes ficamos tão apaixonadas com as cores e as positividades que elas nos trazem que sem perceber as estações se trocam e as cores permanecem. Aby400 decidiu apostar nas cores para o clima frio. Junto ao seu casaco de lona azul, ela misturou óculos escuros The JetSet com um vestido de moletom colorido. Os sapatos Limited Edition chegaram em uma coleção de verão e nem por isso eles são descartados no inverno, com muita elegância e bastante equilíbrio Aby nos mostrou isso!