Dresses & Layers

After a kinda busy day, I'm here writing my very first post in Black Beauty.
I wish I could post before but for personal reasons I couldn't, and I'm here anyway. I want to thank minaj131 (again) for inviting me to be a writer of her wonderful blog, full of fashion and black dollies style.
We are, black dolls, a small part of the Stardoll's community, and yes: we need to be recognized. Making a black doll is taking a risk, and most of us don't take fashion as many do. Some clothes and colors -just as white, silver, pale pink, and vibrant ones: turquoise, orange, etc- look better on us than on everyone else. They make our skin "pop" in an incredible way. That's why I prefer to have a black doll instead of a white (and I did have a lot of those). If you have time, dedication and want to turn your doll to dark skinned but don't want to change the one you're currently using, try making a second account: this is how I started to build up my black-love. And trust me, black power is stronger than ever. You'll not regret.

In this post I'll talk about dresses and layering.

Dresses are definitely not what I usually like to wear, either in Stardoll or real life. But sometimes is good to try different things. When I want to make a new outfit but I'm bored of those I already did before and the clothes I wear a lot (I'm a girl who gets really obsessed with that special item and can't stop wearing it for days, weeks, months - and I'm thankful this is not real life so I won't look like a dirty and smelly woman) I usually choose a page number in my mind and force myself to use an item from there. This time was the 44 page (my lucky number) and I found this cute dress I bought because I love the shape and the way it fits perfectly to the body - also it's not symmetrical, what makes me love it even more than I already do.

But now, layering is what I call my thing. I really love adding lots of layers to my outfits, and I think it's something really hard to do, especially when you're not inspired. I never try to make this kind of outfits when I don't feel like changing my doll, I just get stuck and can't do nothing but stop trying. If you don't know how to start layering, you should look for outfits and finally find the one that it's as close as possible to your own style. In the picture above you have my example, I used three dresses to make the bottom part and that's how I got an unique dress. And that's why layering is so important, because you can make your outfit an unique piece.

Finally, if you know me well enough you've probably seen before I love to make the colors match, I saw that possibility with the little details of the heels (a mix of orange and brown), and I added the necklace as a part of the beautiful Dior bag. You know it's a "fashion law" to make shoes combine with bag. You don't have to be following laws anyway, just follow your style and you know it'll look great. Style is what defines us, so show it to the world and you'll be noticed.

Get out of the box.
Don't think, just get inspired by yourself.  

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